Windsor 500 Programming Manual - Issue C
- 43 -
Cct Options
When this option is applied to a key type circuit then Windsor will attempt to unset the
programmed area when the circuit clears unless the PB option is also programmed.
If this option is applied to a other types of circuit then the circuit will have a unset response.
Cct Options
This option only applies to a key type circuit. If the option is on then Windsor will attempt to
change the area set status when the circuit alarms. There will be no action when the circuit
clears. The actual action will also depend on the Set and Unset options. For example, if the PB
and Set options are on and the Unset option is off, then Windsor will attempt to set the
programmed area(s) each time the key circuit alarms.
Cct Options
This option applies to auxiliary type circuits. If the Tech and the Log options are on the panel
will report auxiliary alarms as technical alarms in point ID and Guardall formats. Technical
alarms are controlled by the alarm reporting group option.
Cct Options
This option applies to all circuit types with a point ID or Guardall format communicator
response. Normally all alarms are reported using the standard primary/secondary call pattern.
If the Dual option is on for a circuit all alarms will be reported using the dual number only. If
this option is on for any circuit then the dual communicator cannot be used as a backup
nor second destination for primary alarm communications.
Cct Options
This option applies to circuit types which do not have an alarm response. If the log option is off
circuit alarms will not be logged.
Cct Options
Unset Delay
This option applies to all circuits with an audible response. If the unset delay is on for a circuit
a user cannot mute the sounders in the circuit area(s) until after the unset delay period. The
unset delay period is fixed at 5 minutes. The delay time applies to all audible responses and, if
bell delay is configured, the 5 minute unset time starts after the bell delay period.
Cct Options
Temp Bypass
This option applies to all bypassable circuits except 24hr and Aux types. If a circuit which is
programmed for Temp Bypass is in alarm at the end of the exit time it will be bypassed until it