Reverse osmosis system
Order no. 185 752 945-inter Edited by: nkes-mrie G:\BA-752945-INTER_185_AVRO_125.DOCX
Continuation Table G-1: Troubleshooting
This is what you observe
This is the cause
This is what to do
Conductivity measured
value in information level
is shown flashing and bar
appears in the display
over spanner symbol.
Optional conductivity
Conductivity pre-warning part
F / chapter 3.2 / parameter 4 has
been exceeded.
Check feed water values and rinse
diaphragm, if necessary.
Er 0
Power failure > 5 minutes
Refer to part F / chapter 3.2 /
parameter A:
Depending on the setting, the
system continues operating or
remains switched off
Check power supply for failures
Er 1
Pressure loss at pressure
switch HP:
Refer to part F / chapter 3.1 /
parameter EHP:
Depending on the setting, the
system had 6 previous
unsuccessful start attempts
Re-establish feed water primary
Er 2
Invalid level setting in the
permeate tank
Check wiring or setting in code 113,
parameters E-A, E-b and E-c and
correct if necessary (NC/NO
contact assignment)
Er 3
Optional conductivity
Conductivity limit value
Part F / chapter 3.2 / parameter 3
has been exceeded
Check feed water values, rinse
diaphragm and renew if necessary
Er 4
Minimum AVRO treatment
current undershot
Have the AVRO treatment module
replaced immediately by
Grünbeck’s technical customer
service/authorised service company
Er 5
System recovery too high
Gauge and reset the system
Er 6
AVRO maintenance interval has
Notify Grünbeck’s technical
customer service/authorised
service company to have the
AVRO treatment module replaced
Symbol flashes
(from software V1.22
onwards) or symbol
flashes (up to
software V1.19)
See Er 1: Waiting time runs
between 2 start attempts
Re-establish feed water primary
Separate flushing instructions for membranes are available for authorised service personnel
under order no. 700 950.