Reverse osmosis system
Order no. 185 752 945-inter Edited by: nkes-mrie :\BA-752945-INTER_185_AVRO_125.DOCX
4 | Application limits
For the application of the reverse osmosis system AVRO 125 TS/TL,
the limit values stipulated in the German Drinking Water Ordinance
represent the upper limits for the admissible substances contained in
the water.
< 22°dH (39.2° f; 3.92 mmol/l) without water analysis
Free chlorine not detectable
Iron < 0.10 mg/l
Manganese < 0.05 mg/l
Silicate < 15 mg/l
Chlorine dioxide not detectable
Turbidity < 1 FTU
Colloid index < 3
pH range 3 - 9
For total hardness > 22 °dH or sulphate > 250 mg/l a water analysis is
: The permeate originating from the reverse osmosis system is
not potable but requires additional treatment (blending, hardening) if it
is to be used as drinking water.
In case of an admissible excess of the sulphate
concentration due to geogenic conditions, the recovery with regard to
the standard settings according to layout might need to be reduced.