76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Debug / Logging – Chapter 9
The radio modem offers the following possibilities to record data and events:
Store system messages in RAM, FLASH or USB memory and show them under
Statistics -> SystemLog (s. 5.4.1 on page 50) and make them available for
download. The download can also be carried out with the MC-Config program.
Send system messages to a syslog server.
Trace the data traffic on the WLAN and/or the LAN interface. The recorded trace
files can be transferred to the computer via the home page (at the bottom of
that page) or via the MC-Config-Program.
9.1 Record System Messages
Figure 60
Debug / Logging: Debug Log page
The possibilities described here to re
cord system messages or traces of the
data traffic are only intended to investi
gate occurring problems and, if neces
sary, to show how these problems can
be solved.
In normal operation, all
settings described here should be
reset to the default values.
the log files that are still present on the
device should be deleted by the func
tion Statistics -> SystemLog -> Reset
System Log.
It is possibility to adjust the
the logging parameters so that specific
modules of the radio modem operating
system generate detailed messages in
the form of formatted text lines and
store them in a file. For example, if there are problems with the use of the serial in
terface, this program part can be specifically configured to record very precisely the
occurring events. It is recommended to configure a time server (NTP, s. section 5.3.7
on page 48) to store the messages with a time stamp so that they can be better at
tributed to a problem.
Debug / Logging
In general, the system messages are not intended for the user to determine the
cause of the fault by means of a defined error list. The DebugLog file should be
sent to our service for verification. The possible system messages thus are not
defined and commented in detail below.