76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Chapter 5 – Parameter Setting via the Web Interface Input query in UDP mode
In UDP mode it is possible to access the signal status from several stations in the net
work. If the remote IP is set to
, the remote port parameter is used as the local
port on which messages are expected from a station in the network.
If the radio modem receives data on this port, it responds with an ON or OFF mes
sage to the requesting station. If the option
is set, signal changes of the input
signal are also sent to this last requesting station. If another station requests, the ad
dress data of this station <IP:Port> is set as destination for status messages.
5.3.9 Logging (Debug)
The Logging of system messages for the diagnosis of problems is described in chap
ter 9 on page 77.
5.4 Statistics
The Statistics menu gives you access to information regarding the activity on the
LAN + WLAN interfaces and watch and download system stored messages.
5.4.1 Statistics – System Log
Here the messages are shown, that are stored on the HG G
76343/4/5. Which mes
sages are logged depends on the settings in Configuration
Logging ab (s. chapter
9 on page 77). There you can adjust the logging
for the different firmware
Figure 40
Web interface: Example for a System Log output
The button
Download System Log
has the effect, that all messages and the current
configuration are combined into a single file that is downloaded from the WLAN cli
ent. The button
Reset System Log
deletes all messages and all files that have been
created during the logging of the communication via the WLAN or LAN interfaces.
OFF text
Character string that is transmitted when the signal is inactive.
Sample Rate
is activated the respective character strings are
sent when the input signal changes. Use
Sample Rate
to specify
a time interval at which the current state is transmitted even
without a signal change.
With this option a change of the input signal is transmitted to the
currently active remote station. For this, either an existing TCP
connection must be present, or must be set in UDP mode
Remote-IP + Port or a query has already taken place before.
Table 33
Web interface: AUX Input Parameters (part 2 of 2)