76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Introduction – Chapter 2
The Client Adapter HG G
76343/4/5 is a wireless LAN adapter (in Götting docu
ments the terms radio modem respectively WLAN client are used synonymously)
that connects devices via Ethernet, USB or serial port to wireless networks conform
ing to the 802.11 a/b/g/n standard. The HG G
76343/4/5 connects all devices that
are connected to its LAN interface to a network reachable via WLAN.
Via a serial interface the HG G
76343/4/5 can receive and transmit data that is sent
or received by a communication partner connected to the network (WLAN or LAN).
This communication partner can also be a HG G
76343/4/5 or a computer that
sends resp. receives via a matching application. The USB port makes it possible to
connect extensions like e.g. additional serial interfaces or I/O interfaces.
Figure 1
Complete system (example)
Depending on the
version (see below)