This voip gateway allows the ip to pstn call can be send to special fxo ports. This trunk
group table is used to arrange all your fxo ports into some groups. The ip incoming calls can
be routed to special groups of fxo ports and also change the number. when no trunk groups
is met, the calls will be routed by the destination number.The trunk group table and the trunk
group routing table can has 50 lines maximum.
As it is shown in the up diagram, the 8 FXO ports are divided into 2 groups. 1-4 ports
belong to trunk group 1, all calls should be applied the number change rule 5, delete 1 prefix.
5-8 ports belong to group 2, and all calls should be applied the number change rule 5, and
rule 2. that’s deleting 1 prefix and adding prefix 0.many ports can be represented by “n-m”,
like 1-4 means 1,2,3,4.
For ip incoming calls, it will search the trounk group routing table first.
The trunk group is routed by destination number and original number, source IP
Called Number: It is the destination number that is sent from remote voip peer. For the
number syntax please refer to chapter 6.5.
Caller Number: It is the caller number of remote voip peer. For the number syntax please
refer to chapter 6.5.
Calling IP: it is the source ip address of the voip calls. It support wild card. X and x for 1 digit
of 0~9. * represent any number between 0~255.
Fig 42
Trunk group route table diagram
As it shown in this diagram,
Those ip incoming calls whose destination number prefixed with 9, and caller ID prefixed
with 198 , 5 digits, source ip belong to192.216.224.*, will be routed to group 1. it use one of
the first 4 ports to connect pstn..