User Manual
The command : –user xxx –access digit
Here if the digit is less 10 , then the user level is guest
If the digit is more that 10 ,then the user level is administrator
8.9 Debug (Level 0~7)
path: <debug>#
Function Command
show debug setting
[disable]enable debug all modules
[no] all x x= from 0 to 7
[disable]enable debug app module
[no] app x x= from 0 to 7
[disable]enable debug cdr module
[no] cdr x x= from 0 to 7
[disable]enable debug sip module
[no] sip x x= from 0 to 7
[disable]enable debug tel module
[no] tel x x= from 0 to 7
[disable]enable debug dsp module
[no] dsp x x= from 0 to 7
8.10 Show System Running Info.
path: <show>#
Function Command
show: accesslist (firewall) settings
show network status
show current call info
call active
show CODEC capability
show debug info
show LAN status and DHCP server info
show digital-map info
show LAN info
interface fastethernet lan
show WAN info
interface fastethernet wan
show arp table info
ip arp
Show DNS gateway info
ip dns
Show netstate info
ip netstat
Show route info
ip route
Show icmp packets Stat.
ip icmp
Show igmp packets Stat.
ip igmp
Show ip packets Stat
ip ip
Show RTP packets Stat.
ip rtp
Show TCP packets Stat.
ip tcp
Show UDP packets Stat.
ip udp
show gateway memory
show NAT information
show caller-ID info
port callerid
show dsp info
port dsp
show hotline info
port hotline
show black list info
port in-limit
show outgoing limit info
port out-limit
show current phone number
port number
show current port status
port status
show PPPoE info