User Manual
6.6 VOIP Configuration
This section is to config signaling protocol for the SIP and IAX2 Server and Client.
6.6.1 IAX2 Configuration
User can configure specific parameter of IAX2 signaling protocol on this page
Definition of each parameter described as below
Definition of each parameter described as below
IAX Server Addr
Set IAX2 register server IP address or domain
IAX Server Port
Default port is 4569
Account Name
Set IAX2 register server account username
Account Password Set password of IAX2 register server account
Phone Number
Set assigned phone number (usually it is same with accout name )
Local Port
Set local signal port
the default is 4569
Voice mail number Use the number to replace the voice mail name that is letter
Voice mail text
Set the voice mail name
Echo Test number
The number replace the Loop Back text number user dial the test
number to check the IAX2 voice quality ,for testing work state.
Echo Test text
Loop back test text number
Refresh Time
Set expire time of IAX2 server register, default is 60 seconds
Enable Register
Configure enable/disable register
Enable or disable all call passing through IAX2 or not . If
unchecked that means all call will use SIP protocol as default
Making a call: only can use IAX2 or SIP at one time by selecting
which is default protocl
Receive a call:can receive call from IAX2 and SIP
Enable G.729
Enable or disable the code G.729a/G729b . It is special for some
PC software G729 compatibility.