B l u e B o x – C a l i b r a t i o n p H S e n s o r
GO Systemelektronik GmbH Faluner Weg 1 24109 Kiel Germany Tel.: +49 431 58080-0
Fax: -58080-11
Page 82 / 96
1.2 pH Sensor Calibration Reset to Default
Calibration Menu pH Sensor
Default mV calibration, measurement value in mV
Offset = 0 | Slope) = 1
Switches back to the Calibration menu pH sensor.
Default pH calibration, measurement value in pH
7 pH
0 mV | Slope = 59,16 mV/pH unit
Switches back to the Calibration menu pH sensor.
Switches back to the Calibration menu pH sensor.
1.3 pH Sensor Offset
Calibration Menu pH Sensor
input offset value = measured mV at pH 7
Input minus value, each 0,1 mV
Input plus value, each 0,1 mV
Switches back to the Calibration menu pH sensor without saving the entry.
Saves the entry and switches back to the Calibration menu pH sensor
Delete calibration
Reset calibration
to default mV calibration
to default pH calibration
to default mV calibration
to default pH calibration
0.3 mV