4.3.5 GV-Video Gateway / GV-Recording Server
The GV-Video Gateway and GV-Recording Server are video streaming servers designed for
large-scale video surveillance deployments. The GV-Video Gateway / GV-Recording Server
(with recording capability) can receive up to 128 channels from various IP video devices, and
distribute up to 300 channels to its clients. With the GV-Video Gateway / GV-Recording
Server, the desired frame rate can be ensured while the CPU loading and bandwidth usage of
the IP video devices are significantly reduced.
The camera can be connected with up to two GV-Video Gateway / GV-Recording Server. To
send the video images to the GV-Video Gateway or GV-Recording Server, you must already
have an account on each of the GV-Video Gateway / GV-Recording Server with the user
name and password specified below.
Figure 4-20