Maximum height of characters:
You can set the maximum height of characters on the
license plate in pixels to activate the recognition process.
Minimum height of characters:
Set the minimum height of characters on the license
plate in pixels to activate the recognition process.
Maximum number of plates:
Set the maximum number of plates to be recognized
Two Row Enable:
This option can recognize two rows of characters on license plates.
Note this option is only available on the engine version of V5000 or later.
Maximum numbers of plate in one row:
Set the maximum number of characters in one
row allowed on the license plate to activate the recognition process. If the number of
characters exceeds the limit, the system will not start the recognition.
Minimum numbers of plate in one row:
Set the minimum number of characters in one
row allowed on the license plate to activate the recognition process. If the number of
characters does not reach the minimum requirement, the system will not start the
Fast Slope Detection Enable:
This option can increase the recognition speed by 10 %
but decrease the accuracy by 3%.
Slope Detection Enable:
The license plate tilting in a horizontal direction can be
Minimum angle of slope:
Set the minimum tilt angle to be allowed to activate the
recognition process.
Maximum angle of slope:
Set the maximum tilt angle to be allowed to activate the
recognition process.
Slant Detection Enable:
The license plate tilting in a vertical direction can be detected.
Minimum angle of slant:
Set the minimum tilt angle to be allowed to activate the
recognition process.
Maximum angle of slant:
Set the maximum tilt angle to be allowed to activate the
recognition process.
Special Plate Detection Enable:
This option can recognize Traditional Chinese
characters. This option and the following sub options are only available for the Taiwan
recognition engine.
Maximum number of characters:
Set the maximum number of special characters
allowed on the license plate to activate the recognition process. If the number of
characters exceeds the limit, the system will not start the recognition.