Denso unit -7
Signal lamp
Check the process:
Project Handle
1. Check the lamp tungsten is not blown
Replacing the Lamp.
2. Battery (check the voltage)
- Please replace or recharge.
3. Main switch (KEY ON) check the line color - orange (12V), Red/White (12V)
0V- Replace the main switch or lines open circuit.
4. Flasher relay checking line color - light blue (12V), Blue / White (out) 12V, black (-)
Light Blue: 0V- lines open circuit
Blue / White: 0V-replacement Flasher relay
black line with frame is not turned on - lines open
7. checking signal lamp switch line color - Blue / White (12V), pink (12V), brown (12V)
Blue / White
0V- lines open circuit.
Pink, Brown: 0V-replacement left haft switch.
(Repeat check)