Genovation, Inc.
Where to Go from Here
If you plan to use your MiniTerm hardware in its current configuration you can
start to work with it right away. The example files are located in the Genovation
MiniTermPro folder created in the
Public Documents
If you plan to change the keypad key layout or settings,
Proceed to the
Using MacroMaster9xx
If you plan to write your own PC/host-side application to control the keypad,
Proceed to the developers
Host Command Set
If you would like to use the USB CDC class host mode,
Proceed to
Appendix E: USB CDC Virtual COM Host Mode
If you are unsure what connection method to use (or whether or not you need to
use the MiniTermPro PC application/driver),
Proceed to
Appendix C: Implementation Methods
At any time, this document can be accessed by right-clicking on the MiniTermPro
icon in the system tray and selecting
PDF Manual
Genovation also has a variety of Tips and Application Notes available that delve
deeper into the product. See the website for more.
Un-Installing and Re-Installing
It’s a quick and simple matter to remove, re-install or upgrade MiniTermPro.
To un-install MiniTermPro, click on:
Start >> Programs >> Genovation >> MiniTermPro >> Uninstall MiniTermPro
The un-installer will NOT remove any macro files you have created. If you are
not installing a newer version, you may delete the macro files and directories
manually. The un-installer will remove several .INI configuration files from the
Genovation MiniTermPro folder in the
Public Documents
To re-install the software or upgrade to a newer version, it is recommended that
you un-install, reboot then perform a new installation. Your macro files will be
saved for you, but you will probably need to redo your COM port assignments.