Genovation, Inc.
Editing Key Data
If you are using Line Edit mode then you can assign one character per key for
each key on the keypad. If you are using True Terminal mode, then you can
assign up to 100 characters per key per level. In both modes it is also
acceptable to have keys with no characters (dead keys).
Enter the ASCII codes that you want to record into each selected key location.
There are three ways to enter ASCII codes.
Use your mouse to click on the keys you want to record. Click on the
keyboard graphic that is located on the bottom of the MacroMaster9xx
Program. This will automatically insert each ASCII code selected into the
black colored grid.
Click on
to enter low-order ASCII control values. For example, Click
to insert a linefeed character (LF).
Use your standard keyboard, which is already attached to your PC, to type
in the ASCII codes. Only the green colored keys are available from your
keyboard directly because they represent ASCII text characters. The other
codes will have to be entered using your mouse.
You may also enter the actual ASCII code manually by
typing the ASCII code as a decimal or hexadecimal value.
This is done using the Enter Data Manually box.
You can view the codes as
either ASCII (the default) or
hex. Right click anywhere on
the macro data cells grid.