Chapte 1 Safety Precautions
1.1.2 During Power ON
Do not plug or unplug the connectors on the inverter when electrified to avoid the
control panel damage resulting from erratic transition voltage surge due to contact
When momentary power loss is longer than 2 seconds (the larger of horse power, the
longer of time), the inverter does not have enough storage power to control the circuit;
Therefore, when power is regenerated, the operation of the inverter is based on the
setup of 1-00 / 2-05 and the condition of external switch, this is considered to be
in the following paragraphs.
When the momentary power loss is short, the inverter still has enough storage power
to control the circuit. Therefore, when power is regenerated, the inverter will
automatically restart depending on the setup of 2-00/2-01.
When restart the inverter, the operation of the inverter is based on the setup of 1-00
and 2-05 and the condition of external switch (FWD/REV button). Attention: the
start operation is irrelevant with 2-00/2-01/2-02/2-03.
1. When 1-00=0000, the inverter will not automatically run after restart.
2. When 1-00=0001 and the external switch (FWD/REV button) is OFF, the inverter
will not run after restart.
3. When 1-00=0001, the external switch (FWD/REV button) is ON, and 2-05=0000,
the inverter will run automatically after restart. Attention: In the sake of safety,
please turn off the external switch (FWD/REV button) after power loss to avoid
underling damage to the machine and the human body after sudden regeneration of
To ensure the safety of people and machine, please refer to the description and
suggestion of 2-05
Before Operation
Make sure the model and capacity are the same as those set by 15-0.
The inverter will flash the power voltage set by 0-07 for 5 seconds when applying power.