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Orca III/ Orca III T Operation and Maintenance Manual
© GBC Films Group February 2001
d) With respect to the adhesive side of the roll,
slide the roll of film onto the unwind arm.
e) Swing unwind arm back into the unwind arm
support saddle and push the clevis pin down.
( U ppe r unw ind sh aft sh ow n fo r illu stratio n purposes )
f) Repeat this procedure for other rolls of film to
be loaded on the machine.
e) Ensure the upper roll of film aligns with the
lower roll of film by measuring the distance
from the same side frame to the edge of the
Unloading a roll of film
a) Cut the laminate from the web.
D o n ot use an open blad e to cut
the w eb near the rollers.
Y ou can put cu ts into th e rollers!
b) Pull up on the clevis pin.
c) Swing the unwind shaft out away from the
( U p p e r u n w in d s h a ft s h o w n fo r illu s tra tio n p u rp o s e s )
d) With a little twist on the roll of film, pull the
roll off of the unwind arm.
e) If finished, swing the unwind arm back into
its unwind support saddle and push the clevis
pin down. If not, follow the Load a roll of
film procedure again from step d).