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Garmin Licensing Policy
§ 1
Scope of Regulations
This Agreement regulates the relations between the user and
Garmin Würzburg GmbH, Beethovenstraße 1a+b, 97080 Würzburg,
Germany, developer and proprietor of the exclusive utilisation rights to
the NAVIGON software (“Software”) as specified in the order. The
subject matter of this Agreement is copyright interests.
§ 2
Extent of Use
Garmin grants the user the non-exclusive right, unlimited by time and
location, to utilise the Software at a utilisation volume as specified in the
order. The licensing includes the right to install and use the Software in
accordance with the documentation and pursuant to these regulations.
Garmin expressly informs the user that complete utilisation of the
Software is not possible until after proper registration.
The user must ensure that the above mentioned restricted utilisation
rights are complied with.
Any kind of use which goes beyond the framework as stipulated in the
Agreement requires the written consent of Garmin. In the event that
such utilisation should be exploited without Garmin’s consent, Garmin
shall charge the amount accruing for this extended utilisation in
accordance with the valid price list at the time. Garmin shall reserve the
right to assert further reaching claims for compensation of damages.
The user shall have the right to prove lower damages.
All the above mentioned utilisation rights shall only be transferred to the
user after full and final payment of the license fee.
§ 3
Copyright and Protection Rights
The user acknowledges the copyrights of Garmin and therewith its
exclusive utilisation and exploitation rights to the Software. Exclusive
utilisation and exploitation rights also exist with regard to extended
development of the Software or amendments thereto, which Garmin
has created for the user compliant with the order.