EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level:
2.3 Application failure (Heartbeat)
The EdgeSafe Bypass TAP (IBS) continuously generates heartbeat packets to the in-line
Monitor / Network appliance port, the Monitor/ Network appliance receives heartbeat
packets and transmits it to its other port (bridges the heartbeat packet).
As long as the EdgeSafe Bypass TAP (IBS) detects the heartbeat packet is received from the
Monitor/ Network appliance, it will maintain the Normal / In-Line mode state.
In event of application failure ( including power failure of the Monitor /Network appliance )
the heartbeat packets are not transmitted back by the Monitor / Network appliance and since
the IBS does not receive the heartbeat packet it sets to Active Bypass or TAP or Linkdrop
mode according to the predefined settings of the heartbeat expiration state. During Active
Bypass and TAP modes the network traffic continues to flow through the network ports and
is not diverted to the monitor ports. As soon as the Monitor / Network appliance recovers
and starts transmitting back the heartbeat packets, the IBS will set to Normal / In-Line mode
after detecting the heartbeat packets for a period set by the "hb_holdtime" parameter.
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |