EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level: Heartbeat hold time textbox
The IBS monitor the received packets on monitor port1, if heartbeat packets do not
arrive within “hb_holdtime” msec, the IBS will set the Active Bypass to
Bypass/Tap/Linkdrop mode, depend on active switch expire state .
To secure reliable detection of Application failure, the " hb_holdtime " value should be
at least 3 times the “hb_interval” parameter value. (default - 20, min - 10, max - 50000)
The " hb_holdtime " value is preserved after reset and power off events.
8.4.2 Selective bypass filter
The Selective Bypass filter provides the ability to filter and Bypass packet between Net0/Net1
based on IP/MPLS tag/VLAN id (It is possible to set the filter to specific value or the range by
entering mask value).
For MLPS and IP - it is possible to set the upstream (net) to Net1) or/and downstream (Net1 to
8.4.3 Advanced features configuration area (2) port link
The IBS supports two ports. When enabled (on), if one of the network ports link fails it
drop the link on the other network port. Two ports link is disabled (off) by default. Who am I
Blink the S.OK LED on currently controlled IBS unit in order to identify the relevant
unit. Hb tx dir
Set/Show the heartbeats transmit port. The heartbeats can be transmitted for port
mon0, port mon1 or form both of them (bidir) HB fail
Set /Show the HB fail criteria.
While the HB tx dir is set to bidirectional (HB packets are transmitted from both ports
(mon0 andmon1) the HB fail criteria can be set to:
Bidirectional: The IBS will change its state if both monitor ports do not receive
the heartbeat packets. The IBS will restore to its default state if at least one of
the monitor ports receives the heartbeat packets.
Unidirectional: The IBS will change its state if one of the monitor ports do not
receive heartbeat packet. The IBS will restore to its default state when both
monitor ports receives the heartbeat packets.
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |