EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level:
8.7.2 Access
Each entry support different level of access (read only, read/write, trap only, read Only with
Trap, read/write with Trap)
8.7.3 Name
Define the entry name = SNMP user \community name
8.7.4 Status
Activate/deactivate the SNMP entry
8.7.5 SNMP control port
Message (min - 1, max - 49151, default - 161)
Trap port (min - 1, max - 49151, default - 162)
8.7.6 SNMP trap account
SNMP trap accounts allow you to add/remove/view additional destinations for SNMP traps.
8.7.7 SNMP trap control
SNMP trap control destined to enable/disable SNMP trap groups. SNMP traps are disabled by
default. It can be enabled by checking the check box for the relevant trap group.
1) Appl fail enable/disable following traps:
a) ibsTrapApplFail
b) ibs TrapApplRecover.
2) Bypass enable/disable following traps:
a) ibs TrapActBypassOn
b) ibs TrapActInlineOn
c) ibs TrapPasBypassOn
d) ibs TrapPasBypassOff
e) ibs TrapTapOn
f) ibs TrapTapi12On
g) ibs TrapTapaOn
h) ibs TrapTapai1On
i) ibs TrapTapai2On
j) ibs TrapTapai12On
3) Mon link enable/disable following traps:
a) ibs TrapMon0LinkDown
b) ibs TrapMon0LinkUp
c) ibs TrapMon1LinkDown
d) ibs TrapMon1LinkUp.
4) Net link enable/disable following traps:
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |