User Manual Galileosky Base Block
Economical driving "EcoDrive" and
determination of the driving style
The tracking device can detect rapid acceleration, braking, harsh turns and strikes on bumps.
For correct operation of this function, the tracking device must detect its orientation in space
with respect to the vehicle (the direction to the ground).
If the tracking device cannot be installed as illustrated by the picture, user-defined installation
may be performed with the subsequent calibration of orientation.
To determine the position of the tracker in respect to the vehicle, perform the following steps:
install the tracking device to ensure its rigid link with the vehicle’s body;
ensure the horizontal position of the vehicle;
execute the shock 0 command, which determines the direction of the tracking device to
the ground.
Data on the driving style can be sent using the mainpackbit 174,1 command.
Data Archiving to the MicroSD Card
Can be applied only for modifications equipped with a microSD slot.
To create a backup on the microSD card it is necessary to insert it into the tracking device. The
saved data will be ordered in the following way:
, where X is a disc name of microSD.
The default orientation of the
tracking device
Direction to the ground