Using Your Drive
with Thunderbolt™
p. 14
Disconnect the Drive
A great feature of Thunderbolt technology and G-SPEED Studio XL is the ability to connect and
disconnect the system while your computer is running. To prevent drive failures and/or data loss, it is
important to follow the steps below when disconnecting or unmounting the drive from your computer.
1. Before powering down and disconnecting the drive, unmount the system by simply dragging
the G-SPEED Studio XL icon to the trash located in the system dock.
Keyboard shortcut: Select the drive icon and press E.
2. It is safe to remove the drive from your system when the drive icon is no longer
present on your desktop.
3. To power off G-SPEED Studio XL simply unplug the Thunderbolt cable. If no background
activities are in progress, the unit will automatically go into standby.