MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
2.2 Setting Commands
2.2.48 pciinfo partition
PCI information on specified IOU is requested to be notified the specified partition.
A few minutes are required for the execution of this command.
The execution of this command cannot be interrupted.
Privilege: Administrator
(1) Input format
pciinfo partition <partition#> IOU <IOU#> {quiet}
(2) Option
quiet: The command is executed without interacting with the user.
(3) Usage example
Example: When you specify IOU#3 for Partition#2
# pciinfo partition 2 IOU 3
Are you sure to continue updating IOU#3 in Partition#2? [Y/N]: Y
Update IOU#3 PCI information in Partition#2 has been completed successfully.
(4) Message
The following table lists the messages which are displayed in this CLI.
For details of the messages, see the PRIMEQUEST 2000 Series Message Reference (CA92344-0540).
Are you sure to continue updating IOU#%d to Partition#%d? [Y/N]:
The specified IOU#%d is not present.
The specified IOU#%d is power-off.
The specified IOU#%d is not in specified Partition.
Unknown Error Code =0xXX
Unable to execute this command on a standby MMB.
Failed to execute DR operation. Fatal error occurred.
Failed to execute DR operation. Configuration is unrecovered.
Failed to execute DR operation. Partition is stopped.
BIOS Error Code =0xXX
The specified %s is not added
PCI information update timeout
Update PCI information failure
DR can't be enabled, because of no DR license
DR feature is disabled.
Unable to execute DR command due to previous failure.
Unable to execute DR command while other DR command is running
Unable to execute DR command because OS is not ready for DR operation.