MMB CLI (Command Line Interface) Operations
2.3 Commands for Display
2.3.42 show partition status
Displays State of the power supply and status (System Progress) of Partition.
Output Format:
The information relates to one partition is displayed in one line. The display contents of each line are as
First line:
Partition Number
Second line:
Physical Partition Information
- "P" indicating Physical Partition of the parent is displayed in Physical Partition
where setting of Extended Partitioning Mode is enable.
“-“ is displayed in Physical Partition where setting of Extended Partitioning Mode is
- Parents' Physical Partition numbers are displayed for Extended Partitioning.
Third line:
Partition Name
Fourth line:
Power Status of partition
- On
- Standby
Fifth line onwards:
System Progress of partition
- Power Off
- Power On In Progress
- Reset
- Boot
- OS Running
- OS Shutdown
- Panic
- Power Off In Progress
- Fatal
- Dumping
- Halt
- Extended Partitioning Running
Privilege: A
(1) Input format
show partition status [all | <partition#> {[, | -] <partition#>}]
(2) Option
all: Displays all the partitions.
<partition#>: Displays the information for the specified partition.
The specification method while specifying multiple partitions are as follows.
Specifies Partition numbers by delimiting with comma
Specifies with the range of partition number
Specifications of comma delimiter or number range can be mixed.