Figure 3-23: Mute the Alert Beeper
Below is a basic description of each setting. For details descriptions, refer to the subsections
under section 3.8.
System Beeper Setting:
Enable or disable the alarm on the unit (e.g. for when a fan or power
supply fails).
Background Task Priority:
Specifies how much priority the system gives to rebuilding a RAID
set. For better performance, set this to a low value. For faster rebuilding, set this to a high value.
Terminal Port Configuration:
Set the Baud Rate and Stop Bits for connecting to the disk array
via serial cable. Parity is always None and Data Bits is always 8.
JBOD/RAID Configuration:
Set whether the disk array acts as a RAID or a JBOD.
Max SATA Mode Supported:
Select the hard drive access speed, choose from SATA150,
HDD Read Ahead Cache:
Can either enable or disable read ahead cache. Recommended is
Disk Capacity Truncation Mode:
Used to improve compatibility of drives from different
manufacturers in terms of replacement drives. Select from Multiples Of 10G, Multiples Of 1G,
and No Truncation.
4.7.2 U320 SCSI Target Config
Arbitration allows one SCSI device to gain control of the SCSI bus to allow that SCSI device to
initiate or resume a task. There are two methods that a SCSI device may use to arbitrate for the
SCSI bus: normal arbitration and QAS. Normal arbitration is mandatory and requires the
detection of a BUS FREE phase on the SCSI bus before starting. QAS is optional and, when
enabled, requires the initiation and detection of a QAS REQUEST message before starting.