Calibration Manual
The list of topics above are placed in the order in which the 9500B Mainframe functions
should be verified. Although it is not essential to verify all the functions at any one time,
functions higher in the list should be verified before those lower in the list.
Verifying the DC/Square Function: DC Voltage
Equipment requirements are given in Equipment Requirements and test interconnections
in Interconnections
The DC Function is verified by carrying out measurements of amplitude in the sequence
given in Verification Setup, at the verification points shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Equipment Requirements
The UUT Model 9500B Mainframe, with 9510 or 9530 Active Head.
A high resolution Standards DMM with DC Voltage accuracy of ±0.005 % or
better, from 1 mV to 200 V. Example: Model 1281 Digital Multimeter.
An adaptor to convert from BNC to 4 mm leads. Example: Model 4955
Calibration Adaptor.
Short, high-quality 4 mm leads.
Figure 3. DC/Square; DC Voltage Verification — Interconnections