If a fault occurs in the machine, the diagnostic system will detect it.
However, instead of displaying a fault code immediately, the machine
will try to recover.
If the fault was only of a temporary nature, the machine will continue
and finish the cycle.
If there is a continuous fault the machine will try to RESTART a number
of times. This process could take up to 8 minutes depending on the
type of fault. After this, if the machine still cannot restart, the fault code
is displayed and the machine will beep continuously. The number of
retries will depend on the fault that it has detected, however the
maximum number or retries for any one fault is 32 times.
NOTE - This feature is designed as a service aid only and should be left
ON in the customer’s home. To return to normal operation, and to reset
the RESTART feature to the factory setting, switch the machine off at the
wall or disconnect from the mains supply.
To identify that the RESTART feature has been activated, refer to the Restart
/ Recycle table.
Recycle Feature WashSmart
At the end of servicing, the 685 WashSmart™ may require an extended test
where the machine can be left to complete a number of wash cycles. By
turning the
feature on, the machine will continuously repeat the
wash cycle until the
feature is turned off.
This is indicated in diagnostics mode by selecting the
“Easy Iron”
and ensuring that the Cold Wash Temp LED is off.
To toggle this feature touch the “
Wash Temp”
button this will turn the Cold
Wash Temp LED on or off.
NOTE - This feature is designed as a service aid only and should be
OFF, in the customer’s home. To return to normal operation, and to
return the recycle feature to the factory setting, switch the machine off
at the wall or disconnect from the mains supply.
To identify that the RECYCLE feature has been activated, refer to the Restart
/ Recycle table.