d 08: Bowl Speed (RPM)
The current bowl speed displayed in (RPM) via the screen with the thousands
digit ignored.
E.g. for fast spin of 1,009rpm the screen will display 009 leaving out the
Medium spin of 660rpm will display as 660 and slow spin of 330rpm
display as 330.
d 09: Water Level
The current water level is displayed in millimetres via the screen.
d 10: Bowl Float
The level at which the bowl floated is displayed in millimetres
d 11: Fill Level
The target fill water level displayed in millimetres.
d 19: Pump Speed
The pump speed is displayed in (RPM) via the display and must be multiplied
by 10.
d 20: The High Voltage DC
This will display in the screen the actual high voltage DC rail in the motor
d 21: Display software Version
Major display software version number
d 22: Display software Version
Minor display software version number
d 24: Motor Controller software Version
Major motor controller software version number
d 25: Motor Controller software Version
EEPROM common map version number