Attenuation and Phase
Allows the adjustment of the phase in the bottom
window. The phase sketch points are blue. The
allowable range is -2
to 2
Attenuation and Group Delay
Allows the adjustment of the Group Delay in the
bottom window. The phase sketch points are green.
The allowable range is -25 to 25 picoseconds.
Attenuation and Chromatic Dispersion
Allows the adjustment of the Chromatic Dispersion
in the bottom window. The phase sketch points are
orange. The allowable range is -100 to 100 ps/nm
(for a 50 GHz bandpass filter).
Grid Selection
Select an existing sketch grid file from the drop-down list or
upload a new file by dragging and dropping it to the
indicated area on the control panel. This allows for easy
selection of predefined points.
WaveShaper A Series User Manual