Changing the Optical Filter Profile
When controlling a WaveShaper, the user can select the filter
shape from a drop-down list comprising all pre-programmed
filters (Bandpass, Gaussian, Bandstop), together with User
Configured Filter (UCF) and WaveShaper Preset (WSP) files
stored on the user’s computer. To upload a new *.UCF or
*.WSP file to the WaveShaper, either select it from the drop-
down list or drag and drop it to the indicated area on the
control panel. In all cases, it is necessary to click "Apply" to
upload the new profile.
This allows the user to set the center frequency of the filter and
is programmable in 1 GHz steps. The value which can be
entered is limited to the operating range of the unit. Center
Frequency control is not available if a WSP file is selected.
This allows the user to change the bandwidth of the filter
selected in 1 GHz increments. The display shows the nominal 3
dB bandwidth selected. The change in the bandwidth is
symmetric to within
2 GHz around the center of the filter.
Note: The bandwidth control is accurate for values down to
approximately 20 GHz, below this value the bandwidth
approaches the instrument’s optical transfer function of
approximately 10-12 GHz. Bandwidth Control is not available if
a *.WSP or *.UCF file is selected.
The Attenuation Control provides a power control function for
the current filter. Attenuation control is not available for the
100A or if a WSP file is selected.
The Port Selector Control is only available for the 4000A and
16000A range of Series A WaveShapers. Port Control is not
available if a WSP file is selected.
WaveShaper A Series User Manual