The DHCP option is used to allow the network
configuration to assign the IP to the WaveShaper. This can
change depending on the network configuration. For
example, by typing in "WS200427.local" directly into the
browser address, this will connect to the WaveShaper no
matter what IP address has been assigned by the DHCP
Reset Button
If a connection cannot be made to the
WaveShaper due to changes made to the
IP settings then the IP setting can be reset
to the default "DHCP then Fixed IP"
mode.To do this, press and hold the reset
switch at the back of the WaveShaper for
5 seconds whilst the WaveShaper is
powered on. The WaveShaper will then be
discoverable in the WaveShaper Connect
mode or with the "WS200427.local" IP
address in a browser.
Download Log
The logging function is used to download a log file of the WaveShaper
activity.This is helpful for troubleshooting purposes. When contacting
Finisar with any potential issues, please download this file and send this
by email to the Customer Support team.
Device Information
WaveShaper Details
Used to provide feedback about the device currently connected
to the WaveShaper App.
WaveShaper A Series User Manual