Pulse Shaping
Pulse shaping is a powerful optical technique whereby the frequency-domain of a pulse or sequence of pulses is manipulated in
order to alter its properties. The dedicated control page in the WaveShaper App allows precise and easy control of the pulse
amplitude and phase to completely define the temporal (or spectral) properties of a laser pulse. The pulse shaping function is
available for all versions of the 1000A, 4000A and 16000A WaveShaper instruments.
Pre-Filter Shape
Available Filters
Defines a basic filtering scheme. Typically, this pre-filtering is
used to achieve a transform limited pulse shape. The user can
select the filter shape from a drop-down list comprising pre-
programmed Bandpass and Gaussian filters as well as the
option of having "No Filtering".
User Filters
In addition to his this, User Configured Filter (UCF) and
WaveShaper Preset (WSP) files can be uploaded to the
WaveShaper. To upload a new *.UCF or *.WSP file to the
WaveShaper, either select it from the drop-down list or drag
and drop it to the indicated area on the control panel. In all
cases, it is necessary to click "Apply" to upload the new profile.
WaveShaper A Series User Manual