Photoshop 5.x
Defining colors
You can choose colors in Photoshop with various color models, including HSB, CIE
Lab, RGB, and CMYK. You can also choose named colors from the PANTONE
Coated color library. For best results, use the color definition methods described in
Chapter 5.
Saving files for importing into other documents
Before saving a file, perform any rotating, cropping, and resizing needed. This speeds
processing when printing from the application in which the image is placed.
We recommend you use EPS or TIFF file formats to save RGB images that will be
imported into other documents and printed to the Fiery 3850C. You can import EPS
and TIFF files into virtually all page layout applications.
Although TIFF files display better when imported into other applications, their
color and resolution characteristics may be altered by the application into which they
are imported. EPS files are unaffected.
Choose Photoshop EPS or TIFF