An Overview of the Mobile Camera Systems
Mobile Camera System
Federal Signal
An Overview of the Mobile Camera Systems
Federal Signal Mobile Camera Systems provide drivers of
vehicles used in towing and recovery, fire/EMS, utilities,
highway maintenance/DOT, sanitation, construction, and
many other industries an extended field of view when
backing up or maneuvering their vehicles in environments
where optimum visibility is important for enhanced safety.
Designed exclusively for professional applications, all Federal
Signal systems and components are built with the distinct
needs of the commercial/industrial market in mind and are
backed by our two-year warranty.
Turnkey Systems
The following turnkey mobile camera systems are available:
Each system includes a monitor, a standard rear-view camera,
a camera-to-monitor extension cable, and accessories.
Components and systems that are NTSC-compatible
include “NTSC” in the part number, and those that are PAL-
compatible include “PAL” in the part number. The NTSC
video standard is primarily a North American video standard,
whereas the PAL video standard is predominantly a European
video standard.
This system includes:
• a 5.6-inch color AHD LCD monitor (CAMLCD-AHD-56)
• a high-resolution rear-view camera with infrared low-
light vision capability and a microphone, with a mounting
hardware kit (CAMAHD-REARNTSC)
• a 65.5 ft (20 m) camera-to-monitor extension cable