VAIE 2000 | Voice Alarm Integrated Systems
System Manual | 2013
VAC 2006 • VAR 2006
Basic Level - AudIo SEttInGS Menu
From the HOME page, press Ok to select AUDIO SETTING and access the menu in question. From the AUDIO SETTING menu, use the knob
at the side of the display unit to browse through the options listed, then use Ok to select the one you require. Press ESC to return to the MUSIC
menu or MENU to return to the HOME page.
For the specific features of each panel for managing the AudIo SEttInG menu, refer to the
appropriate schedules in
8. uSInG tHE SYStEM / 8.3 < AudIo SEttInGS Menu >.
System Level - InSPECtIon Menu
From the HOME page, turn the knob then press Ok to select the item INSPECTION and access the menu in question.
From the INSPECTION menu, use the knob at the side of the display unit to browse through the options listed, then use Ok to select the one you
require. Press ESC to return to the MUSIC menu or MENU to return to the HOME page.
For the specific features for each panel for managing
the InSPECtIon menu, refer to the appropriate schedules in
Section 8. USING tHE SYStEM / 8.4 < INSPECtIoN Menu >
7.1.4 System Level - oPERAtoR Menu
From the HOME page, turn the knob, then press Ok to select the item OPERATOR: to access the menu in question it is it is necessary
to enter a password and then press Ok again. As an alternative press ESC to return to the MUSIC menu.
From the OPERATOR menu, use the knob at the side of the display unit to browse through
the options listed and select the one you require using the Ok key. Press ESC to return to
the MUSIC menu or MENU to return to the HOME page.
For the specific features for
each panel for managing the oPERAtoR menu, refer to the appropriate schedules in
Section 8. USING tHE SYStEM / 8.5 < oPERatoR Menu >