Fargo Electronics, Inc.
Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 5.0)
How to use the manual
The Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 4.0) is, in fact, the
troubleshooting and field service manual for the entire Pro-LX Card Printer. The manual is
designed to provide installers and technicians with quick, efficient lookup of related
procedures, components, and terms. The manual can be used effectively in either soft or
hard copy, depending on the preference of the installer or technician.
Sequence of Operations,
Glossary of Terms, and
Specifications (hyper-linked)
You can go directly to the Sequence of Operations,
Glossary of Terms, Technical Specifications, and
Functional Specifications to learn how to use the
processes, procedures, functions, and windows for the
Pro-LX Laminating Card Printer/Encoder within concise,
correlative tables.
Table of Contents (hyper-
You can use the automated Table of Contents to quickly
locate, for example, an error message, a procedure, the
index, or an appendix.
Replacement, Removal,
Diagnostic, and Navigation
Procedures (in hyper-linked
You can go directly to Specifications (Section 1), General
Troubleshooting (Section 2), Printer Adjustments (Section
3), Parts Replacement (Section 4), Printer Packing
(Section 5), and Board Level Diagnostics (Section 6) to
find troubleshooting, removal, and replacement
procedures. The section titles are always labeled
according to their function for consistent usage.
Cross-Referencing (hyper-
You can use the cross-referencing links to quickly locate,
for example, an error message or a procedure.
Comprehensive Index
You can use the COMPREHENSIVE INDEX to quickly
locate information on the Pro-LX Laminating Card
Printer/Encoder, relating to a specification, a procedural
step, a window or screen, a component, a term, a qualifier,
or a related feature to this printer.
You can use Appendix A and B to locate information
relating to engineering drawings and technical updates,
which are specific to the Pro-LX Laminating Card