40i P - Installation/Operation - DRO operation - (9/32)
Changing the reference:
Changing from one reference to another.
It changes to the selected reference.
Setting part zero (datum) as instructed by the assistant:
Setting part zero requires measuring at least 2 points. One
point on each of the sides to be homed. The third point is
optional and is used for setting the datum point (origin) of the
vertical axis.
It activates the probe mode. If the probe has been set, it may
be used to touch the desired sides of the part. Probe
dimensions, length and diameter, must be entered as if they
were those of a tool.
Set or change the tool. It will compensate for the radius of the
tool being used.
[Z axis]
Activate Z axis homing.
ꞏ Activate the probe mode if the probe has been configured and it is being used.
ꞏ Select the Z axis to set the datum point on the vertical axis.
Sequence to follow:
Set or change the tool.
Move the tool to the first side until it touches the part.
Press Enter.
Move the tool to the second side until it touches the part.
Press Enter.
If the vertical axis is activated, move the tool to the top side until it touches it.
Press Enter.
Select the corner where the part zero (datum) will be set.
When using a probe, there is no need to press Enter, just touch a point on the
desired side.
In order to ensure that tool or probe radius compensation is done correctly, the sides of the part to
be referenced, must be aligned with the axes of the machine as much as possible.
Tool Nr.