Section 3
Page 3 - 22
Issue 5 Mar 98
Many of the standard and optional features of the recorder can be reset, started, stopped etc. in response to
internal triggers or to external events. The most common example is a relay responding to an alarm.
The nine types of internal trigger that can modify the recorder operating features are as follows:-
Contact (event) input (external contact closure) (CI1 - CI6)
An active Alarm (A11 - A94) (A11 = Channel 1, Alarm 1; A64 = Channel 6, Alarm 4).
The global alarm (bell symbol) becoming active (GLA)
The instrument alarm (‘I’ symbol) indicating a problem in the self- check diagnostics (INA)
A timer reaching its preset time/date (TM1, TM2).
A totaliser reaching its preset value (TT1 - TT6).
A totaliser automatically resetting at 999,999,999 (TR1 - TR6).
The Log Start command (LOG)
Use of the designated ‘Soft Key’ in the Operator Menu (KEY). See Section 3.3.3
If the relevant option(s) is (are) fitted, the features that can be activated by one or more of these triggers are:-
Operate alarm relay
Select alternative chart speed
Initiate printing of a log
Print custom message
Reset totaliser
Replay trace history
Initiate range magnification
Reset derived variables
Start/reset timers
The specific effects that a trigger can have are described with each individual feature. However, the means of
selecting the internal triggers is the same for all functions.An action equation is a 'Logic OR' statement which
defines the trigger (or triggers) that will modify a particular feature. It is entered as a series of trigger codes
separated by commas (see examples below). Each action equations page is used to enter up to four triggers.
Action equations can be several pages long; for example, 3 pages would be needed for 10 alarms to operate
one relay.
1. An action equation for output relay 01 responding to Alarm 1 on Channel 1 (A11) would be:-
RY01 Act Eq P1
2. An action equation for printing custom message 07 in response to alarm 3 on channel 2 OR alarm 1 on
channel 3 OR Event Input 3 would be:-
CM07 Act Eq P1