The handling of Cationic Emulsions (CRS-2, CMS-2, CSS-1 and CSS) may create an
environment within the Asphalt Distributor that can be corrosive to carbon steel and
cast iron.
• Cationic Emulsions are widely used within the industry.
• Cationic Emulsion is manufactured with asphalt, water, emulsifiers and
hydrochloric acid. The chemistry of individual emulsions varies in asphalt content
and Ph levels.
• Tanks and spray mechanisms used with Cationic emulsions may experience
• It is believed the chemistry of the emulsion - specifically the residual fumes
promote the corrosion
• Etnyre Distributors are compatible with Cationic Emulsions provided that certain
precautions are taken.
• Prior to placing a distributor in to service with Cationic Emulsion, it should be
loaded with an AC or MC type material to develop a protective coating.
• Periodic inspection of the tank and spray system should be preformed in the
normal course of operation.
• It is recommended that distributors used in Cationic service be flushed periodically
and at the end of the season with an AC, MC or cutback to remove the corrosive
materials and to provide a protective coating.
• Increasing the quantity of flushing material during daily suck back and cleanout
operations will also help to minimize corrosion damage.
• Dilution is the solution.
• Additional information can be acquired from your Emulsion supplier as well as the
Asphalt Institute or the Asphalt Emulsion Manufactures Association.
Take extra care and follow recommended
procedures when alternating asphalt
materials especially when loading hot
product, over 212 degrees Fahrenheit
emulsion was used in the previous load.
(100 degrees Celsius), on to a tank and
system previously in Emulsion service.