Taper Switch (Optional):
Taper Switch can be HOLD or CLICK and has an adjustable taper rate given in feet per second. If HOLD, holding
a taper switch will move the taper position in the direction the switch is held at the given rate. A smaller rate will
taper slower, and a larger rate will taper faster. If CLICK, the taper switch will move the taper position by one foot
each time it is clicked.
Taper Switches are a paid-for option that can be used to adjust spray bar width if activated in factory setup. The
left spray bar and right spray bar each have a taper position. The taper position is the first nozzle that is shut off
by the taper. ALL nozzles outside this nozzle are also shut off. The taper position on the left spray bar can move
to the right spray bar, and the right taper position can move across to the left spray bar, but these taper positions
CANNOT cross each other. If the taper position is at either end of the spray bar, it will no longer move outside
when tapering out. The taper position is always indicated by a BLUE LED.
The left taper switch controls the left spray bar taper position. Moving it left will turn on the nozzles at the taper
position, and move the taper position one foot left on the spray bar. Moving it right will shut off the nozzle at the
taper position, and move the taper position one foot right on the spray bar. Likewise, the right taper switch con-
trols the right spray bar taper position. Moving this right will turn on the nozzle at the taper position, and move
the taper position one foot right on the spray bar. Moving it left will shut off the nozzle at the taper position, and
move the taper position one foot left on the spray bar.
For variable-width spray bars, the taper switches will jump across any nozzle that is automatically shut off be-
cause it is overlapped by the nozzle on the opposite bar. Overlapped nozzles are indicated with a YELLOW LED.
Marker Valves (if equipped)
If a unit is equipped with Marker Valves, the marker valve on the left or right spray bar will always be open when
ON is selected. In AUTO, the marker valve is open while in SPRAY mode. If OFF, the marker valve is always closed.
This parameter is not saved on a power cycle and always defaults to OFF.
Wash Pump (if equipped):
If an optional solvent tank is installed, Wash Pump ON will allow use of the solvent spray wand, or run solvent to
the top of the asphalt pump if the flush valve is open. While the wash pump is running, the text “Wash Pump” in the
header will flash as a reminder.
Figure 55 - Taper Switch
Figure 57 - Wash Pump
Figure 56 - Marker Valves