If the display’s temperature is above 170°F (75° C), maximum display brightness will be reduced to limit over
heating. The Front Display or Rear Display fault will also be active on the faults screen.
Color Scheme:
Color scheme can be adjusted between standard yellow/white and red/green. With the yellow and white color
scheme, an “on” active control is yellow, and an “off” control is white. With the red and green color scheme, an
“on” control is active when it is green, and an inactive control is red.
USB Data Port
f a USB flash drive is connected to the USB port (shown as reference 11 on page 14), its folder name will be
displayed here and an icon will be visible in the header. To remove the flash drive, you must touch Remove and
wait until the folder reads “not available,” or else the display is unable to read another flash drive until after a
power cycle. A flash drive can be used for computer or display application or firmware updates, or as a place to
move data logs from the display. Reference 6 on page 14 is for charging devices only.
The front control box has a speaker to play button clicks, alerts, and video playback. Speaker volume can be ad-
justed with the vertical slider. Volume can be toggled to mute by pressing the mute button, or tapping the sound
icon on the far right side of the header. There is no speaker for the rear display.
Figure 33 - Speaker Volume
Figure 32 - USB Icons
Figure 31 - Front Display / Rear Display