Operation PC 20 to 32 kW
Pellet store
Overview, buttons, functions
Pellet store
"Pellet store" overview
to open the "Store"
overview screen.
This function block is used to control pellet feeding
by discharge screw
or a
single suction head
After a delivery of pellets the new stock quantity
can be entered as a value for calculating the stock
level. However, the actual stock in the store is not
Instead, the consumption calculated using the
discharge parameters is simply subtracted from the
stock quantity.
As such, the actual stock level
may differ from this calculation by +/- 15%
Operating state
Enter stock quantity
Current stock, may differ from
actual stock by +/- 15%
Enter stock
This button can be used to enter the new stock
quantity after a delivery of pellets.
3758 kg in pellet store
The calculated stock of the pellet store is displayed
here. It is not measured. It is simply calculated
using the discharge parameters, and may differ
from the actual stock by +/- 15%.
Current operating mode
This line shows the current operating mode of
the pellet conveying system. Below is a list of the
possible modes:
The conveying system is not in operation. There is
no demand from the boiler.
The boiler is demanding pellets and the aspirator is
starting up.
Aspirator warm up
The boiler aspirator is in operation. After the
"Aspirator warm up" period, the discharge screw in
the pellet store starts up.
Fill up
The boiler aspirator and the pellet store discharge
screw are in operation. Pellets are being conveyed
to the boiler.
Overview, buttons, functions
Pellet store
Overview, buttons, functions