Subject to change due to technical improvements
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability
We can only guarantee and accept liability for the
function of our boiler if it is properly installed and
Requirement for warranty, guarantee and liability
is that this boiler be used in accordance with its
intended purpose,
only for heating and hot
water supply with no more than 2,000 full-
load hours annually
, and, in particular, that the
following general conditions be observed during
installation and operation:
For set-up, a
dry room
is required. In particular,
only condensation dryers may be used as clothes
dryers in the same room.
Local building and fi re protection regulations must
be observed.
connecting pipe to the chimney
must be
constructed with a maximum diameter of 130 mm
and at least 30 mm of insulation. For lengths
over 2 m, correspondingly more insulation is
The boiler is suitable for use with
wood pellets
according to ÖNORM M 7135, DIN 51731,
EN 14961-2 class A1, EN plus class A1 or DINplus
with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm and a length of 15
to 40 mm. Operation with unsuitable fuels, in
particular those containing halogens (chlorine) or
high-slag pellets such as from grain waste, is not
combustion air must be free of aggressive
such as chlorine and fl uorine
from solvents, cleaning agents, adhesives and
propellants, or ammonia from cleaning agents, to
prevent corrosion of the boiler and chimney.
Water is the intended heat-transfer medium. For
special anti-frost requirements, up to 30% glycol
may be added.
Softened water
is required for
initial fi ll-up
of the heating system and for
refi lling
after repairs. For the
initial fi ll-up
of the
heating system and for
refi lling
, the lime content
of all water in the heating system may not exceed
the value of
20,000 lt°dH
(system volume in litres
multiplied by the hardness in degrees of German
pH value should be set between 8 and 9
Set enough shut-off valves to avoid bleeding large
amounts of water during repairs. Any leaks in the
system must be repaired at once.
To protect against air suction if the system cools
off, an expert must provide a
suffi ciently large
expansion tank
or a pressure maintenance
system. Suffi cient
air venting
must also be
Open expansion tanks
underfl oor
heating with permeable piping
also have a
high air intake, resulting in above-average boiler
corrosion. Corrosion damage to the boiler due to
improper air venting or high air intake is excluded
from warranty, guarantee and liability.
Operation at
lower power
than the lowest power
specifi ed on the type plate is not permitted. For
design outputs that are considerably less than
the boiler's rated output, either a reduction of
the heating time slots or a buffer storage tank is
Only components provided by us
may be used
for expansion of the control system, except for
commonly used units such as thermostats.
Cleaning and maintenance
are required as
specifi ed in the user manual.
Conditions for warranty, guarantee, liability