Subject to change due to technical improvements
Expert maintenance after 10,000 kg Maintenance
Check seal,
close heat exchanger cover
Check the seal on the heat exchanger cover, replace
it if necessary, and close the heat exchanger cover.
Perform emission measurement
Perform the emission measurement with a
measuring device on the boiler; see page 6.
Switch the boiler into emission measurement mode
with the
button. The consumers are activated
to ensure that the heat is dissipated.
If no measuring device is available, at least the
lambda probe must be calibrated.
Safety temperature limiter
Check the function of the safety temperature
Reset maintenance counter
After maintenance, the maintenance counter
must be reset to zero. The "Service" access level is
required to do this.
Drive chains for stoker, cleaner and grate
Lubricate the drive chain for the stoker with spray
oil and check the chain tension. The chain can be
tensioned by shifting the motor.
Lubricate the drive chain for the grate and cleaning
drive with spray oil. To do so, start ash removal by
to start the chain moving so that it
can be completely lubricated.
Ash box position switch and seals
Verify the function of the position switch for the
ash box. Inspect both of the ash box seals and
replace if necessary.
Test measuring orifice and hoses
on differential pressure transmitter
With the boiler switched off and hoses removed
from the differential pressure transmitter, a
measured value of 0 Pa must be displayed.
Otherwise, the measuring orifice must be
calibrated; see page 20.
Check the hoses of the differential pressure
transmitter at the air intake and blow them out if
necessary. The hoses may not be kinked or crossed.
Check heat exchanger tubes
Remove the heat exchanger cover.
Check the heat exchanger tubes for pitch deposits.
If tar deposits are present, contact our customer
Calibrate lambda probe
If no emission measurement is possible, the
lambda probe must be calibrated with the heat
exchanger cover open; see next page.