S1R72105 Technical Manual
7.4 Detailed Description of Set Values of INTINDEX Register
7.4.1 Register Showing IntStatWindow_0,1 and IntEnbWindow_0,1 for Set Values of IntIndex
IntIndex_n IntStatWindow_n IntEnbWindow_n
00h EP0IntStat EP0IntEnb
01h EPaIntStat EPaIntEnb
02h EPbIntStat EPbIntEnb
03h EPcIntStat EPcIntEnb
04h Reserved Reserved
05h Reserved Reserved
06h Reserved Reserved
07h Reserved Reserved
*n=0 or 1
7.4.2 EP {r} (r=0,a,b,c) Interrupt Status (EP {r} IntStat) R/W
Shows the interrupt status of each interrupt status register endpoint displayed in IntStatWindow_0,1.
Following the reading of this register, the bit of a source of interruption is identified and it is cleared by writing
the value read after appropriate interrupt processing.
(The relevant bit is cleared by writing HIGH to each bit).
IntIndex_n: 0h to 3h
Register Name
Bit Symbol
EP0IntStat, EPaIntStat, 7: INtranACK
IN Transaction ACK
EPbIntStat, EPcIntStat,
6: OUTtranACK
OUT Transaction ACK
5: INtranErr
IN Transaction Error
4: OUTtranErr
OUT Transaction Error
3: INtranNAK
IN Transaction NAK
2: OUTtranNAK
OUT Transaction NAK
1: INtokenRcv
IN Token Received
0: OUTtokenRcv
OUT Token Received
BIT7 IN Transaction ACK
This bit becomes HIGH when ACK is received during IN Transaction.
BIT6 OUT Transaction Complete
This bit becomes HIGH when OUT Transaction is normally completed.
BIT5 IN Transaction Error
This bit becomes HIGH when IN Transaction ends abnormally.
Details can be obtained from the USBTransStatus register (0Bh).
BIT4 OUT Transaction Error
This bit becomes HIGH when OUT Transaction ends abnormally.
Details can be obtained from the USBTransStatus register (0Bh).
BIT3 IN Transaction NAK
This bit becomes HIGH when NAK is returned during IN Transaction.
BIT2 OUT Transaction NAK
This bit becomes HIGH when NAK is returned during OUT Transaction.
BIT1 IN Token Received
This bit becomes HIGH when BIT1 IN Token Received IN Token is received.
BIT0 OUT Token Received
This bit becomes HIGH when OUT Token is received.