EOS Herkules XL S120 - Installation and Operating Instructions
Air inlets and outlets must be installed in the cabin to ensure a sufficient air
flow in the cabin and to prevent the sauna heater from overheating.
The required size of the air inlets and outlets depends on the heater out-
put; see 2.4 Technical data,
The air inlet can be installed behind or below the sauna heater.
Air inlet behind the sauna heater,
Air inlet below the sauna heater,
Air inlet behind the sauna heater
The air inlet must meet the following criteria:
Location: Behind the sauna heater
Height: 10 cm above the cabin floor
If there is still not enough fresh air to reach the sauna heater, a fan must be
installed at the opening outside of the cabin.
Installing the air inlet in the cabin wall
Air inlet below the sauna heater
The air inlet can be either a large opening or two small openings.
The air inlet must meet the following criteria:
Location: Below the sauna heater
A duct directs fresh air to the opening or openings.
A fan must be mounted at the beginning of the duct outside of the
Cabin wall
Air inlet