Function and design
multi EA 5000
Function and design
multi EA 5000 basic module
The multi EA 5000 analysis system is modular and can be adapted to each measuring
tasks by combining it with different detectors and sampling modules. The analysis sys-
tem is used to determine the sulfur, nitrogen, chlorine and carbon content in solid, liq-
uid, paste-like, viscous and gaseous samples. It can additionally analyze the AOX, EOX,
EC/OC or TOC, NPOC and TIC sum parameters.
The core of the analyzer system is the multi EA 5000 basic module, which performs
sample gas digestion and measuring gas drying. (As an exception, the measuring gas is
dried in the detection module for chlorine determination.)
The analysis system is controlled and the measurement data is evaluated via the
multiWin control and analysis software.
A self-check system (SCS) is integrated into the analysis system. The SCS consists of a
combination of hardware components and software functions that automatically ensure
proper function of the entire analysis system. Depending on the system setup, the SCS
checks the important device safety and analysis quality parameters (e.g., gas flow, tem-
peratures, pressures, system integrity, baseline stability, signal drift, cooling time, flame
value, etc.) multiple times per second
Principle of operation Vertical and horizontal operation
Operation is in vertical or horizontal mode, depending on the installation position of the
furnace. Devices equipped with the optional double furnace enable the device to work in
both vertical and horizontal mode.
Vertical operation mode
In vertical operation mode, the sample aliquot is injected directly into the multi-purpose
combustion tube via the injection port. The sampling module required is a multi-matrix
autosampler, an auto-injector, a GSS module or an LPG module.
Advantages of vertical operation mode:
For gases, LPG, liquid samples with normal viscosity
Best for N, A and Cl trace and ultratrace analyses
Fast analysis
Small bench space required
Horizontal operation mode
In horizontal operation, solids and liquids are transferred to the multi-purpose combus-
tion furnace on boats with Automatic Boat Drive (ABD). Sample feeding can be auto-
mated with an autosampler in combination with the ABD. Liquids can alternatively be
transferred into the horizontal combustion furnace via the auto-injector.
Gases and LPG are injected directly via the injection port of the sample port of the ABD.
For manual sampling, there is a Manual Boat Drive (MBD). The MBD may only be used
to transfer inert solids on quartz glass boats.
Advantages of horizontal operation mode:
For gases, LPG, solids, liquid samples independent of viscosity
Best for volatile liquids