multi EA 5000
Maintenance and care
Risk of destruction of the sensor electrode due to cleaning agents or abrasives
The sensor electrode is particularly mechanically sensitive around the area of the silver
ring and the diaphragm.
Do not touch the silver ring.
Rinse the sensor electrode with distilled water to clean it.
Do not use an ultrasound bath to clean it.
Storing the sensor electrode:
Switch off the chlorine module before performing maintenance on the electrodes.
Avoid touching measuring cell and the electrodes when the chlorine module is
switched on. A malfunction of the measuring cell can cause production of excess sil-
ver ions, falsifying the measurement results.
Keep the sensor electrode permanently wetted to prevent the diaphragm and the in-
ternal reference electrode from dehydrating.
Check the condition and filling level of the internal electrolyte weekly.
The internal electrolyte must be clear and free of deposits. When the sensor elec-
trode is inserted the filling level must remain visible above the lid of the measuring
If necessary, use the filling port to refill with a 0.6 mol/l sodium sulfate solution or
replace the solution:
Refill the solution preferably at the end of a working day or the end of a working
week, the electrode requires a stabilization period of 2 to 24 hours, depending on its
degree of aging.
Fill the sensor electrode up to shortly below the filling opening. Close the filling
opening. Carefully swirl the filled sensor electrode back and forth to mix the internal
Store the sensor electrode as follows for longer periods:
Sensor electrode storage
A few days
In the measuring cell, filled with elec-
trolyte (chlorine module is off)
≥ 1 week
In a storage container, filled with
sodium sulfate solution
≥ 1 month
In the wetting cap, filed with distilled
water (with no air bubbles)
Close the filling opening during storage of the sensor electrode. Open the filling
opening for measurement.
Observe the information on sensor electrodes in the user manual.
If the sensor electrode has been in storage, the chlorine module requires some time to
achieve a constant cell potential. The time for this depends on the storage time:
Equilibrium time
Sensor electrode storage
≤ 30 min
In the measuring cell, filled with elec-
trolyte (chlorine module is off)
≤ 3 h
In a storage container, filled with
sodium sulfate solution
≤ 24 h
In the wetting cap, filed with distilled
water (with no air bubbles)
Install a new or regenerated electrode filled with electrolyte solution in the measur-
ing cell 24 h before the first measurement. Stir the solution during this time.