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Copyright © EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd.
User’s Guide EMS-MN-1110-10048
User interfaces
HSD Aeronautical transceivers connect to a variety of
interface options. The physical interface is EURO S/T,
which supports several types of connections to user
Terminal adapters and routers must be
EURO ISDN S/T models.
HSD transceivers provide either one or two ISDN S Bus
interfaces (depending on which model and service
mode is installed).
Each Bus is capable of hosting up to eight, EURO ISDN
devices—which means a two-channel system supports
connections to up to sixteen, EURO ISDN devices.
Each channel card provides one, 64 k B channel that is
available to either ISDN Bus. If the channel (or channels) is
“busy” or “in-call”, the request for service is denied (the
system is busy).
For ISDN data devices that support bonding and are
connected to a two-channel card HSD transceiver, the
device will attempt to use both B channels to increase data
throughput as long as no other devices are “in call”. (See
the section
Bonded calls (two-channel systems only.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate a variety of interface
options. Each system set-up configures to meet specific
user needs.